Thursday 26 September 2013

Mine and Brandons first stop motion animation

Today in stop motion we discussed about Norman Maclaren who was a stop motion animator back in the 1950's. He made a project against war called "neighbors". The project won many awards for its methord of pixilation.

So after watching the video me and Brandon thought we would try make one of our own. We used istopmotion animation and just went with the flow.

Thursday 19 September 2013

Today I'm writing about the early developments in stop motion

A Zoetrope is a device that produces the illusion of motion from a rapid series of photos

A Kinetoscope is an early stop-motion picture which can only be viewed my one person through a peep hole
they would be viewed at a carnival.

A Mutoscope is an early picture motion device which is a cheaper version of the Kinetoscope

The Phenakistoscope is an early animation device

Thursday 12 September 2013

Animation Example

Adventure Time

Adventure time is a very popular show on cartoon network which is very popular among children and even some of the older community. I like adventure time because it's very fun and wacky and is full of character and is put together very well.

Hello I'm Callum Batkin and this blog is for Stop motion Level 3 Which is done within Middlesbrough College.